The regulator has found issues with information sharing between insurers and brokers, and in identifying target markets.
Related topic: FCA
This is the first time the FCA has fined an audit firm.
The firms bought properties and rented them back to the sellers without FCA authorisation.
The e-book covers how the new regime will impact advisory firms, particularly in terms of new investment labels, their meaning, and the expectations placed on advisers.
James Tyler, of counsel, and Julia Steinhardt, associate at Peters & Peters, explore the recent climate-related enforcement investigation opened by the FCA and why the regulator is...
In a small number of cases, the FCA is instigating an independent and more detailed review of firms’ practices.
Rob Mason, director of regulatory intelligence at Global Relay, explores whether the FCA’s lack of action is breeding a feeling of complacency among regulated firms.
159,000 mortgage holders have extended their term or switched to temporarily paying interest-only.
Abdulali Jiwaji, financial litigation partner at Signature Litigation, explains why 'naming and shaming' will only get the FCA so far, and why the regulator must instead implement...
An inputting error resulted in $1.4bn of equities being sold.