Mann explained why she will maintain "policy rate discipline and restrictiveness" despite voting for an ‘activist’ 50 basis point cut.
![MPC member predicts higher long-term Bank Rate despite voting for 50bps cut boe bank of england](
Mann explained why she will maintain "policy rate discipline and restrictiveness" despite voting for an ‘activist’ 50 basis point cut.
The range offers more solutions for landlords with properties that do not meet traditional lending criteria.
Craig Calder joins as TSB's secured lending director while head of mortgage intermediaries, Beverley Bradford, will move into an expanded role as head of mortgage distribution.
Stuart was previously CEO of Tesco Bank, CEO of GE Capital UK’s consumer businesses, and director of UK retail banking at RBS.
Rates now start from 3.34% the Bank's lowest in almost three years.
Despite rising choice, average rates across two and five-year fixes at 95% LTV are higher than at the start of 2025.
Allica reduces rates across commercial mortgages, healthcare and asset finance.
January 2025 was the sixth busiest month ever for mortgage search activity by first-time buyers.
Georgia will work closely with the field-based BDMs to support intermediaries.
SMEs in Ireland can apply for €10,000 to €250,000 of revenue-based finance.