The new and increased funding spans the lender’s bridging and buy-to-let mortgage ranges.
Related topic: Bridging
Marcus Dussard, sales director at KSEYE, says the case for a wider range of bridging products has grown, including products that are more rigid in their criteria.
Norton has joined finova's mortgage club lending panel.
KSEYE’s Lite products are now also available for properties in major UK cities, alongside London and home counties.
The new product range is aimed at those needing quick access to funding for projects across a variety of property types and sectors.
Specialist lender Catalyst Property Finance has announced rate reductions across its bridging, refurbishment, commercial and specialist buy to let ranges.
Demand for regulated and unregulated refinance jumps to all-time high.
Gavin Diamond, CEO at Inspired Lending, says the recent increase in bridging completion times emphasises the importance of establishing strong, efficient relationships.
Simon has set up and run specialist bridging and development lenders for the past 10 years.
Bridging completions grew to a new record of £1.79bn in Q3.