Suffolk BS cuts expat buy-to-let and holiday let rates

Expat holiday let rates have reduced by 30bps.

Related topics:  Mortgages,  Buy-to-let
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
18th June 2024
let house btl sign
"By repricing our expat holiday let and expat buy-to-let products we’re helping expat borrowers, particularly with rental coverage requirements."
- Charlotte Grimshaw, head of intermediary relations and mortgage sales

Suffolk Building Society has announced rate cuts of up to 0.30% on its expat holiday let and expat buy-to-let products, and has also extending the end dates of these deals.

A two-year fixed rate expat holiday let product at 80% LTV has reduced by 30bps to 6.09%.

In the Society's expat buy-to-let range, two-year fixed rates at 80% LTV have reduced to 5.99% or 5.29% with a 3% completion fee.

In addition, end dates have moved to 31st October of the relevant year.

Charlotte Grimshaw, head of intermediary relations and mortgage sales at Suffolk Building Society, said: “As expat and holiday let specialists, we're continually monitoring the market and reviewing our proposition.

"We’re aware that it's a challenging time at the moment, especially with rates and the ICR stress tests. By repricing our expat holiday let and expat buy-to-let products we’re helping expat borrowers, particularly with rental coverage requirements.”

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